티스토리 뷰
Anne Cuthbert
Grew Up... in an orphanage. She was bullied by other girls in the orphanage and placed in several bad families before finding a true home in Green Gables.
Living... with her adopted family, Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert. They are a pair of middle-aged siblings who run a farm named Green Gables in Avonlea, a town located on Prince Edward Island, Canada.
Profession... student. Anne is one of the cleverest children in Avonlea. She gets into all sorts of shenanigans with her fellow students, including but not limited to accidentally getting her best friend Diana drunk and dying her own hair green.
Interests... reading, spending time with Diana, enacting out imaginative skits, and giving landscapes poetic names like “White Way of Delight” and “Lake of Shining Waters.”
Relationship Status... in a potential enemy-to-lovers situation, Anne and her classmate Gilbert flirt on the edges of enmity and perhaps something more . Their first impression went poorly: Gilbert pulled her hair and teasingly called her “Carrot,” in reference to her red hair. Anne promptly responded by picking up her chalkboard and slamming it into his face. Undeterred, Gilbert continues to try to befriend Anne, and Anne begrudgingly grows to like him as well. She discovers that he is both roguishly charming and one of the kinder boys in school.
Challenge... overcoming her trauma from a terrible childhood and carving out a life in spite of the odds against an orphaned girl. In Green Gables, Anne struggles to find a place in the community without compromising her unique and spirited personality. Her experience with alienation makes her sympathetic towards other outsiders, as evidenced by her friendly overtures to a bullied classmate.
Personality... talkative, bright, and prone to flights of fancy. Anne is intelligent, sensitive, and a force of nature. She is, however, often insecure about her “homeliness” and red hair, and even asks in a prayer, “Please let me be good-looking when I grow up.” Anne also has a quick temper and isn’t afraid to start an argument – or finish it.
Jessica Jones
Living... in Manhattan's Hell’s Kitchen in the wake of an alien invasion. The Avengers stopped our alien guests but the city is still more dangerous than ever. Jessica used to be a superhero with super strength, but she hung up her cape years ago. She dated a guy named Kilgrave who could psychically control her mind and she did things under his control that no hero would do. Now she just wants to make a living so she can drink enough to forget her past.
Profession... private investigator at Alias Investigations. It’s mostly taking pictures of cheating husbands in the act until she discovers Kilgrave is back in New York. And he wants Jessica back in his life. Jessica knows him better than anyone, so she teams up with her new superpowered friend Luke Cage and her old pal Trish Walker to stop him.
Interests… whiskey. The end.
Relationship Status... casually seeing her friend, bartender Luke Cage, while haunted by Kilgrave. Her time with Kilgrave was the worst period of her life, living in a mind controlled haze doing terrible things she did not want to do. Now he wants to win her back and he doesn't care who has to die to make it happen, Luke included. It's really too bad; Jessica and Luke have fantastic chemistry.
Challenge... stopping Kilgrave. While controlling a new girlfriend, he ordered her to shoot her parents. Now she’s in jail while Kilgrave is a free man. Jessica wants to stop him from hurting anyone else, but she but has to keep him alive to get her new client out from behind bars.
Personality... blunt, strong, and guarded. Luke calls her “a hard-drinking short-fused mess of a woman.” Jessica doesn’t mince words, and she doesn’t waste time on people who get in her way. After years of doing the things Kilgrave wanted, she’s living life for herself. Drinking during the day, staking out philanderers at night, and sleeping in until her phone rings with a new job. Only when Kilgrave returns to the city does she consider using her powers to help others.
Eleanor Shellstrop
Living... in The Good Place. That’s where truly virtuous people go when they die. Which is a little confusing for Eleanor, who lived a selfish, unseemly life. As she quickly realizes after getting a welcome speech from neighborhood “architect” Michael, she’s accidentally been mistaken for a different Eleanor Shellstrop – one who helped get innocent people off death row, went on hunger strikes to protest Bolivian sex trafficking, and had a strange love of clown décor.
Profession... student of ethics. During her life on Earth, Eleanor was a salesperson for a drug company that sold bogus supplements to sick people. But in The Good Place – where no one has to work for a living – hiding her secret is now a full-time job. So she enlists former ethics professor Chidi Anagonye to teach her how to be a good person. As she puts it, “I am revved up to learn, man. My brain is horny!”
Interests... getting drunk, being rude, and taking advantage of other people’s kindness. Plus enjoying frozen yogurt, which is everywhere in The Good Place.
Relationship Status... it’s complicated. When Eleanor arrived in The Good Place, she was paired with her “soul mate” Chidi. But since Chidi was actually meant for the other Eleanor, they settle on being reluctant friends.
Challenge... becoming a good person. If Eleanor’s true identity is revealed, she’ll be sent to The Bad Place – where the screams are eternal and the annoyances never end. As Eleanor puts it, “It doesn’t sound awesome.” But her inherent immorality is throwing The Good Place out of whack. So in addition to hiding her identity, she sets about trying to become a better person under Chidi’s patient tutelage. Unfortunately, Eleanor finds it hard to do anything that isn’t entirely self-serving. As she says of an overly friendly neighbor, “Oh, so now I’m supposed to be nice and make friends and treat her with mutual respect? That’s exactly what she wants me to do, Chidi. Wake up!”
Personality... selfish, lazy, assertive, and rude. Eleanor definitely isn’t a good person. She spent her life on Earth tricking, manipulating, and making fun of people. But although she’s egotistical, she also has an appealing no-nonsense enthusiasm for life. And as she actively tries to improve herself, Eleanor begins to realize she really does have the capacity to change for the better.
Leslie Knope
Living... in Pawnee, Ind., where she’s lived all her life. Well, she discovered to her horror that technically she was born in the wealthy neighboring town of Eagleton, Pawnee’s arch-rival, but please don’t spread it around. Pawnee is smack in America’s heartland, and Leslie puts the “heart” in Pawnee.
Profession… deputy director of the Pawnee City Department of Parks and Recreation. Leslie takes her position very seriously and does her best to please the citizens of Pawnee with the few resources she’s been given. (Even though the citizens rarely seem grateful.) Since her boss Ron, a staunch libertarian who believes government should do as little as possible, is all too happy to let the department flounder, Leslie works double-time pick up the slack.
Interests… politics. Leslie’s had a lifelong love affair with government going back to her youthful days in Model United Nations, Debate Club, Mock Trial, Young Democrats, Young Republicans and Young Independents. Nothing like covering your bases. Leslie also loves food, but not food-food. Her tastes are closer to a 5-year-old’s: whipped cream, waffles, and sugar. Don’t even talk to her about salad, though. Salad is a joke – a disgusting, overrated joke.
Relationship Status… right now she’s dating Ben, who’s been called in to audit Pawnee’s books. Before that, she was perpetually unlucky in relationships.We’ll let her tell it: “One time I was dating this guy for a while, and then he got down on one knee and he begged me never to call him again. One guy broke up with me while we were in the shower together. Skywriting isn’t always positive. Another time a guy invited me to a beautiful picnic with wine and flowers, and then when I tried to sit down, he said, ‘Don’t eat anything. Rebecca’s coming.’ And then he broke up with me.”
Challenge… maintaining her faith in her job and belief she can make a difference despite constant disappointment. The dwindling budget and bureaucratic process make it a constant challenge to do her job as well as she desires. All she wants to do is work hard to help the people, but often that’s easier said than done: “The bankrupt government of Pawnee has been shut down all summer so it’s been three months of no work, no meetings, no memos, no late nights, nothing. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.”
Personality… cheery, relentless, and undaunted. Leslie is an eternal optimist with a can-do attitude. It’s not that she never gets discouraged, but that she gets off the mat repeatedly and comes back for more. In fact Leslie once cited Hillary Clinton as one of her idols because nobody takes a punch better than Hillary: “She’s the strongest, smartest punching bag in the world.” Leslie might as well have been describing herself.
Pam Beesly
Living… with her fiancé Roy in Scranton, Pa. Pam was hesitant to live together before they were engaged. Then they got engaged, and for some reason she was still hesitant. Then they moved in together, and the nagging feeling didn’t leave. Maybe it’ll improve with time.
Profession… receptionist at Dunder Mifflin Paper Company. She still considers it a temporary gig, even though she’s done it for years without any other real prospects. Playing FreeCell at her computer keeps her sane enough to stand it. As she (accurately) states, "I don't think it's many little girls' dream to be a receptionist."
Interests… illustration, mostly watercolor and oil pencil. She keeps it a personal passion, lacking the gumption to try to make a career of it. Her co-worker and good friend Jim encourages her to take more pride in her work and consider taking classes. That means a lot, coming from him.
Relationship Status… ambivalently engaged for three years. They’d been dating for five years before he proposed. It seemed like the next logical step. Isn’t that what people do? There are things she wishes she could change about Roy, but at this point she’s accepted him for who he is. She’s always had chemistry with Jim in the office, but that’s just joking around. Real life could never be that great. Roy, for all his faults, is real life.
Challenge… breaking out of the monotony of mediocrity. She’s got a job she isn’t crazy about – but it gets her by. She’s engaged to a guy she’s not sure is “The One” – but it gets her by. Pam’s problem is she might be losing her hunger for something more. She might wake up one day completely content with what she has, and that’s her real nightmare.
Personality… friendly and sweet, but shy and a bit mousy. Pam’s never been the type to take a stand or “go for it.” She says more with her face than with words. She tolerates without complaint. These aren’t qualities she admires about herself. She’s actively trying to change them.
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